Daily Archives: July 4, 2024


A study highlights that high-income and upper-middle-income nations bear the greatest economic burden from herpes infections as of 2016. About Herpes Simplex Herpes is a group of viral infections caused by herpes simplex viruses (HSV). The virus resides in nerve cells and cycles between periods of dormancy and activity. Transmission …

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Project Nexus Signed by RBI

The RBI has joined Project Nexus, a multilateral international initiative aimed at enabling instant cross-border retail payments through the interlinking of domestic Fast Payments Systems (FPSs). About Project Nexus Conceptualized by the Innovation Hub of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Aims to enhance cross-border payments by connecting multiple domestic …

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Palm Trees as Defense Against Lightning

Odisha has imposed restrictions on cutting existing palm trees and plans to plant approximately 1.9 million such trees to mitigate casualties from lightning strikes. Lightning Lightning is a massive electric discharge in the atmosphere between clouds, air, or the ground. Lightning strikes increase by about 12% for every degree rise …

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Financial Devolution to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)

Despite the efforts initiated by the 11th Finance Commission, financial devolution to urban areas remains inadequate. Municipalities suffer from poor fiscal health, and rapid urbanization without sufficient fiscal measures hinders development. Financial Devolution to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) India allocates only 0.5% of its GDP to ULBs, whereas countries like …

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