Ahead of climate talks, India in touch with 40 countries

To forge ties and make developed nations keep promises Ahead of the December climate talks in Katowice, Poland, India is having discussions with 40 countries, including China, to forge alliances and compel developed countries to make good on promises, made over the years, to provide enough finance and technology to stem runaway global warming. Over the years, developed countries have promised to provide $100 billion annually to developing countries to check such warming. “We are having talks with nearly 40 countries in various capacities,” C.K. Mishra, Secretary, Environment, Forests and Climate Change Ministry, told The Hindu on the sidelines of a conference. “Mainly, it is about firming up about how the Paris agreement is to be implemented, as well as outstanding commitments on providing finance and technology.” Over the years, India has been part of several such alliances. The ‘Like Minded Developing Countries’ (India, China, Venezuela and Iran) and BASIC (Brazil, South Africa, India, China) are networks that are formed to lend weight to developing country concerns. “There are constant fora where we interact…video calls, meetings. However not all COPs would result in big bang announcements…some are about compelling countries to make good on outstanding commitments,” said a government official familiar with climate change negotiations. The Conference of Parties (COP) is a group of 200 countries which meet annually on addressing global warming.

Source : https://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/ahead-of-climate-talks-india-in-touch-with-40-countries/article25232176.ece

About sree nivas

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