Kerala losing over Rs. 400 crore due to tax evasion
The State has also had to take a beating because of the recent decision of the GST Council to cut tax rates for a horde of goods, mainly durables, which would affect a consumer State such as Kerala. It is in this context that the government has decided to set up 190 inspection squads. The squads would be deployed in specified places along the State borders. Mobile squads would be in operation.
Maximum number of inspection squads will be deployed in Thiruvananthapuram, Palakkad, Kasaragod and Wayanad. The collection of tax has shown an upward swing, with Rs. 4,661 crore being collected in June as against the Rs. 2,760 crore in May, registering a 52% growth rate over the previous month. Finance Minister T.M. Thomas Isaac has estimated a tax revenue of Rs. 46,795 crore in his Budget for 2018-19.
The GST Department hopes that the July figures, which are yet to be finalised, will be higher given the general all-India trend.
Source : (GS II Indian economy)