The Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court on Wednesday directed the State to respond to a public interest litigation petition that sought a direction to restrict the working hours of retail alcohol outlets, bars and pubs. The petitioner, advocate B. Ramkumar Adityan, pointed out that even minors were getting exposed to alcohol and claimed that school students were indulging in alcoholism. The trend was causing socio-economic problems but nothing had been done to arrest it trend, he said. He sought a direction to restrict the working hours of retail alcohol outlets, bars and pubs in the State to six hours from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. He further sought a direction to liquor outlets not to sell alcohol to those below 21 years of age. He also said that details of the liquor, quality of ingredients, price and address of manufacturer must be printed on the label of bottles. Taking up the petition for hearing, a Division Bench of Justices N. Kirubakaran and S. S. Sundar expressed concern over the fact that even those below the legal age of 18 years had taken to drinking. The court further opined that installation of closed circuit television cameras (CCTV) could increase safety measures and keep a check on illegal activities. Observing that Tasmac bars alone were not the only means to augment revenue in the State, the court sought a counter from the government and adjourned the case for further hearing till February 28.
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