The Tamil Nadu government on Monday turned down Karnataka government’s offer of talks over the contentious proposal for a dam project across the Cauvery at Mekedatu, citing the proceedings in the Supreme Court over the issue and contending that it was sub judice. Affecting proceedings Referring to a letter of Minister for Water Resources D.K. Shivakumar, seeking an appointment with Tamil Nadu Chief Minister to discuss the issue, Tamil Nadu Law Minister C.Ve. Shanmugam said it was “an attempt to impede the proceedings” pending in a litigation moved by Tamil Nadu in the Supreme Court. The offer of talks was also an attempt to impede contempt proceedings initiated against Mr. Shivakumar and others in the Supreme Court on December 5 and the matter was sub judice, Mr. Shanmugam pointed out and requested him not to go ahead with the preparation of the Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the project. “Any construction or even preparation of a DPR for construction of any new reservoir/project is a clear violation of the judgment of the Supreme Court. Hence, I request you to desist from preparation of a DPR for Mekedatu project. I also request the Karnataka government to comply with the judgment of the Supreme Court in letter and spirit,” Mr. Shanmugam said.
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