Third accident at the same spot leaves residents shocked

Kin of deceased struggle hard to identify bodies
Twisted metal parts of the white bus were scattered all over the ground near the drain where it landed upside down after hitting the safety railing between the carriageways on the Yamuna Expressway on Monday. Local residents said that it was the third bus accident at the spot but they had never seen such a terrible crash on the expressway. The bus was scheduled for Ghazipur in U.P., but due to fewer passengers, the route was changed to Delhi. After hitting the middle railings, the bus turned turtle and landed in the drain from a height of 40 feet,” said Hari Singh, a resident of the area.
In a state of shock
Doctors say she is in shock and they cannot break the news of her husband and daughter’s death to her. They are waiting for her family to arrive.
Kamal Khan, who had come to receive his uncle Mujameel Khan’s body, said that the bodies are beyond recognition. He identified his uncle by the ring he was wearing.
“The family members have got pictures of all 29 deceased on WhatsApp for identification, as it is tough for them to find their kin among the piles of bodies,” said Suresh Singh, a man searching for his relative.

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