International Sugar Organisation (ISO)  

India recently hosted the 64th Council Meeting of the International Sugar Organisation (ISO).

Overview of the International Sugar Organisation:

  • The ISO is an intergovernmental body headquartered in London, established under the International Sugar Agreement of 1968, dedicated to improving the global sugar market.
  • It has around 88 member nations, including India.
  • The ISO serves as the only global forum where major sugar-producing, consuming, and trading countries can exchange views at an intergovernmental level.
  • It administers the International Sugar Agreement (ISA) of 1992, which focuses on international cooperation in sugar-related matters.
  • The ISO promotes the expanded use of sugar, especially in non-traditional applications.
  • However, it does not have the authority to regulate the global sugar trade through price-setting or export quotas.
  • India previously hosted the 41st session of the ISO Council Meeting in 2012.

Status of the Sugar Industry in India:

  • India is the largest consumer and the second-largest producer of sugar globally.
  • It holds a 15% share in global sugar consumption and a 20% share in global production.
  • Nearly 5 crore farmers are engaged in sugarcane cultivation.
  • There are two primary sugar production regions:
    • Northern Belt: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana, Punjab, and Bihar.
    • Southern Belt: Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh.
  • The southern region benefits from a tropical climate, which leads to higher sucrose content in crops and increased yields per unit area compared to northern India.

Government Initiatives:

  • The government encourages sugar mills to divert sugar to ethanol production and export surplus sugar to improve their financial conditions.
  • The National Policy on Biofuels 2018 aims for 20% ethanol blending under the Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Programme by 2025.
  • The Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) for the 2023-2024 sugar season is set at Rs. 315 per quintal.
  • The Global Biofuel Alliance (GBA) was launched by world leaders under India’s G20 presidency to promote the global use of biofuels.
  • During the ISO meeting, workshops on “Sugar and Bio-Energy: Emerging Vistas” included sessions on:
    • Sustainability through Diversification
    • Mechanization & Modernization of the Sugar Sector
    • Digitization of the Sugar Sector
    • Global Demand and Supply of Sugar
    • Green Hydrogen

Global Biofuel Alliance (GBA):

  • The GBA brings together major biofuel producers and consumers, including the US, Brazil, and India.
  • The alliance aims to strengthen the global biofuels trade for a greener, sustainable future.
  • Nineteen countries and 12 international organizations have agreed to join or support the GBA.

About sree nivas

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