Kerala Seeks Renaming

Kerala Assembly Resolution:

The Kerala Assembly has unanimously passed a resolution requesting the Centre to rename the state as “Keralam’’ in the Constitution.

Constitutional Provision:

  • Article 3: Empowers the Centre to change the name of existing states.
  • This requires an amendment to the name of the state listed under Article 1 of the Constitution.

Historical Context:

  • Kerala: The English name for the Malayalam “Keralam”.
  • Earliest Mention: Found in Emperor Ashoka’s Rock Edict II of 257 BCE as “Keralaputra”.
  • Keralaputra: Sanskrit for “son of Kerala”, referring to the Chera dynasty, one of the three main kingdoms of southern India (the other two being Chola and Pandya).

Demand for a United Malayalam-Speaking State:

  • First raised in the 1920s.
  • Post-independence, in 1949, the state of Travancore-Cochin was formed by integrating the two Malayalam-speaking princely states of Travancore and Cochin.
  • Based on the State Reorganisation Commission’s recommendation, the state of Kerala was created on a linguistic basis.

About sree nivas

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