Economic Geography

Sustainable Development in the Indian Himalayan Region

GS-3: Key Environmental Concerns in the Indian Himalayan Region, Recent Supreme Court Judgments Support Environmental Conservation Efforts, The Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) is widely recognized as India’s “water tower” and a vital provider of essential ecosystem goods and services. Despite this critical understanding, there remains a significant disconnect between the …

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Stubble burning in Punjab

  Stubble burning in Punjab is a major contributor to air pollution in Delhi. The smoke from the burning stubble travels hundreds of kilometres to Delhi, where it mixes with other pollutants to create severe air quality episodes. The burning of crop stubble releases harmful pollutants into the air, including …

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Biosphere Reserve

  Biodiversity refers to the variety of living species on Earth, including plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi. While Earth’s biodiversity is so rich that many species have yet to be discovered, many species are being threatened with extinction due to human activities, putting the Earth’s magnificent biodiversity at risk. Biosphere …

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Australia ramps up aid to farmers as drought bites

Financial aid for drought-stricken Australian farmers will be increased to Aus $1.8 billion as they endure the driest conditions in half a century, the Prime Minister said on Sunday. Farmers in eastern states are struggling with extreme aridity that has turned green pastures into dust, with the economies of local …

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