
A study highlights that high-income and upper-middle-income nations bear the greatest economic burden from herpes infections as of 2016.

About Herpes Simplex

  • Herpes is a group of viral infections caused by herpes simplex viruses (HSV).
  • The virus resides in nerve cells and cycles between periods of dormancy and activity.
  • Transmission occurs through direct contact with infected individuals or contaminated surfaces.
  • Symptoms include painful sores or blisters, commonly appearing on the lips, mouth, genitals, and anus.

Types of Herpes Simplex Virus

  1. Type 1 (HSV-1)
    • Spread primarily through oral contact.
    • Causes infections around the mouth (oral herpes or cold sores) and can also lead to genital herpes.
    • Most adults are infected with HSV-1.
  2. Type 2 (HSV-2)
    • Transmitted through sexual contact.
    • Causes genital herpes.
    • Many infected individuals have mild or no symptoms, but the virus can cause painful blisters or ulcers that recur.

Treatment and Prevention

  • There is no permanent cure for herpes, but medications can manage symptoms and reduce transmission.
  • Prevention efforts focus on promoting safe sexual practices to prevent HSV-2 transmission and educating about the risks of oral-genital contact for HSV-1.


  • Globally, as of 2016, about 67% of people under 50 had HSV-1 infection, primarily acquired during childhood.
  • HSV-2 affects approximately 13% of individuals aged 15–49 worldwide, with higher prevalence among women due to more efficient transmission from men.

Herpes in India

  • The National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) reports a herpes prevalence rate in India ranging from 3 to 10%.
  • Higher prevalence is noted in states like Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Gujarat.

This information underscores the global impact of herpes infections and highlights regional variations in prevalence and impact.

About sree nivas

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