Miyon ka Bara becomes Mahesh Nagar

Rajasthan village undergoes name change to boost residents’ matrimonial prospects
In Rajasthan, the name of a village called ‘Miyon ka Bara’ was officially changed to ‘Mahesh Nagar’ after residents complained that they were not getting matrimonial matches as the name gave an impression that the village was inhabited by Muslims.
The Union Home Ministry recently approved the change of name and conveyed the decision to the Rajasthan government.
The Home Ministry examines the proposal for changing the names of villages, cities and railway stations once the proposal is received from the State government. “After consulting other agencies, if found appropriate, the Ministry conveys its no objection to the State and the gazette notification is issued,” an official said.
In March, the Home Ministry had informed Parliament that between January 2017 and February 2018, it received 27 proposals from States requesting a change of names of villages, towns and railway stations. Rajasthan submitted eight proposals, including Miyon Ka Bara.
Source : https://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/miyon-ka-bara-becomes-mahesh-nagar/article24619188.ece

About sree nivas

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