Historical Context The fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, was a monumental event that symbolized the end of the Cold War and the path to German reunification. Origin and Purpose of the Berlin Wall Construction and Purpose: Erected in 1961, the Berlin Wall served as both a …
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Demographic Shift and India
Context: India’s elderly population (those aged 60 and above) is expanding rapidly. In 2023, there are 149 million elderly individuals, making up 10.5% of the total population. By 2050, this figure is projected to reach 347 million, or 20.8% of the population. Challenges of an Ageing Population Increasing Dependency Ratio: …
Read More »Shale Gas in Jharkhand
Context: Recent Findings: A study has revealed promising potential for shale gas generation in the South Karanpura coalfield in Ramgarh district, Jharkhand. The assessment was carried out using Rock-Eval pyrolysis, a technique that evaluates the hydrocarbon content and thermal maturity of sedimentary rocks, primarily for petroleum and shale gas exploration. …
Read More »Climate Policy of India
Context: India’s Supreme Court, in its landmark judgment in M.K. Ranjitsinh and Ors. Vs. Union of India & Ors., has introduced a significant new dimension to the country’s climate change jurisprudence. SC Verdict The Supreme Court recognized the right to “be free from the adverse effects of climate change” as …
Read More »Non-Inclusion of Heatwaves in Notified Disasters
The ongoing severe heatwave across the country has reignited discussions about officially recognizing heatwaves as disasters under the Disaster Management Act, 2005. How India Manages Disasters Constitutional Context There is no mention of disasters in the Constitution of India. Legislative Framework Disaster Management Act (DMA) 2005: Enacted following the 1999 …
Read More »Unveiling the Mystery of Pink Sand in Australia
Australian researchers have uncovered the origin of pink garnet sand found on South Australian beaches, tracing it back to ancient mountains in Antarctica. Their findings have shed light on the timing of the Australian tectonic plate’s subduction beneath the Pacific plate and unveiled previously unknown ancient mountains in Antarctica. Pink …
Read More »Medicanes: Mediterranean Hurricanes
Introduction The Mediterranean Sea, known for its idyllic weather and rich history, can also unleash powerful storms. Medicanes, a portmanteau of “Mediterranean” and “hurricane,” are tropical-like cyclones that occasionally form over this basin. While less frequent and intense than their tropical counterparts, medicanes pose a significant threat to coastal communities …
Read More »Heat Waves in India: A Burning Challenge
Concept Heatwaves, periods of abnormally high temperatures exceeding seasonal norms, are a growing concern in India. These scorching events pose a significant threat to public health, agriculture, and overall economic well-being. The Scorching Reality: Frequency and Intensity on the Rise India experiences heatwaves primarily between March and June, with the …
Read More »Landslide
A landslide, also known as a landslip, is a rapid downward movement of a mass of rock, earth, or debris on a slope. It’s a type of mass wasting, which refers to any downslope movement of soil and rock under the influence of gravity. Why in NEWS: An IIT-Delhi team …
Read More »Dam Management in India
Dam means any artificial barrier and its appurtenant structure constructed across rivers or tributaries thereof with a view to impound or divert water which also include barrage, weir and similar water impounding structures. Central Water Commission (CWC) compiles and maintains the nationwide register of Large Dams i.e., the National Register …
Read More »Zoning of flood plains
Why in news: Punjab has been reeling under floods for well over a month now and the proposed solution to this is zoning of flood plains. Significance of flood plains: A river expands and contracts naturally over seasons and in different years. A flood plain is an area adjacent to the river which normally gets flooded when the …
Read More »Heat waves in Mediterranean Sea
Salient features of world’s physical geography. Extreme heat has plagued the Mediterranean for weeks. What are marine heat waves? A marine heat wave (MHW) is an extreme weather event. It occurs when the surface temperature of a particular region of the sea rises to 3 or 4 degree Celsius above the average temperature for at least five …
Read More »Lake Titicaca
Syllabus: World Geography Context Dipping water levels About the Lake In the Andes on the border between Bolivia and Peru. Highest of the world’s large lakes, world’s highest navigable sea and largest in South America after Venezuela’s Lake Maracaibo Issues Within 25 cm of their all-time low record in 1996 …
Read More »Haphazard development is increasing the impact of weather events
reasing the impact of weather events Syllabus: World geography Western disturbance Are tropical storms that originate in the Mediterranean region and normally bring winter rainfall to north India. However, right from the beginning of this year, the WD have been erratic – too few of them in December and January …
Amidst Rising Global Temperatures, thawing permafrost is likely to destabilize thousands of industrial sites and linked contaminated areas in the Arctic. The arctic is dotted with industrial facilities such as oilfields and pipelines, mines and military bases. The consequences of global warming and thawing permafrost were not taken into account for long and permafrost was considered as a …
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