Rail patrol men, foot soldiers and key men of track maintenance of the Indian Railways, have also gone digital. With smartphones in everyone’s hands these days, the South Central Railway (SCR) has been successfully monitoring the condition of track, overhead power lines etc., making use of a mobile app to have a quick two-way communication from the ground to the control room. Usually track maintenance personnel walk all along the track for about 10 km as part of their daily routine, 5 km forward and 5 km in return. It is generally done by a single track man but an assistant is also provided, if necessary, and they have to check various parameters of the track and other equipment to ensure the train’s passage is safe. Earlier, the foot patrol men had to make use of railway communication sets which had its own issues like coverage range, voice clarity and so on.
Source : https://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/scrs-foot-soldiers-go-digital/article24765689.ece