Solid Waste Management (SWM) Cess


The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahangara Palike’s (BBMP) proposal for a Solid Waste Management (SWM) Cess highlights the financial strain ULBs face in managing India’s burgeoning solid waste crisis.

ULBs and SWM:

  • The Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 authorize ULBs to levy user fees or SWM cess to recover costs associated with waste collection, processing, and disposal.
  • Current user fees (₹30-50/month) collected with property tax are insufficient to cover SWM expenses.

Financial Burden on ULBs:

  • SWM is resource-intensive, consuming 80% of ULB manpower and up to 50% of their annual budgets.
  • Collection and transportation (85-90% of SWM budget) are expensive, leaving limited resources for processing and disposal (10-15%).

Waste Processing Challenges:

  • While 55-60% of Indian municipal waste is wet and compostable, inefficient methods yield only 10-12% compost/biogas, making processing financially unsustainable.
  • Operational revenue from composting facilities covers just 35-40% of expenses.
  • Disposal of non-biodegradable waste requires transport to distant facilities, further increasing costs.

The Way Forward:

  • Improved Segregation: Effective waste segregation at source can significantly improve composting yields and reduce transportation costs.
  • Curbing Single-Use Plastics: The rising use of single-use plastics creates additional waste management burdens.
  • Decentralized Composting: Implementing ward-level Micro Composting Centers (MCCs), as seen in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, can process wet waste locally and reduce transportation costs.
  • Bulk Waste Management: Large institutions with space can set up in-house processing units, reducing dependence on ULB services.

About sree nivas

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