Tag Archives: sustainable agriculture

Carbon Farming, Climate Change & Sustainable Agriculture

GS Paper III (Environment & Ecology): The syllabus emphasizes climate change mitigation strategies, and carbon farming is a prominent concept in this domain. GS Paper III (Agriculture): You can link carbon farming practices to sustainable agriculture and improved soil health. Essay Paper: Carbon farming can be a compelling point for …

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Balanced Fertilization and the Path Forward

Introduction Balanced fertilization is a crucial aspect of sustainable agriculture, aiming to provide crops with the optimal combination of primary, secondary, and micronutrients they require for healthy growth and maximum yield. Understanding Balanced Fertilization: Importance: Balanced fertilization ensures optimal nutrient uptake by crops, leading to improved yields, soil health, and …

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Stubble Burning in India & its Alternatives to fight Pollution

Introduction Stubble burning, the practice of setting fire to leftover crop residue after harvest, is a major environmental concern in India. This widespread practice, particularly in northern states like Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh, contributes significantly to air pollution, impacting public health and overall environmental quality. Negative Consequences of Stubble …

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Green Credits and Environmental Sustainability in India

Introduction The growing urgency of environmental challenges has prompted innovative solutions across the globe. In this context, India’s Green Credit program emerges as a promising market-based initiative aimed at incentivizing environmentally friendly behavior. Launched in October 2023 as part of the government’s “Lifestyle for Environment” (LiFE) mission, this program seeks …

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National Agroforestry Policy 2014

national agroforestry policy

Introduction: The National Agroforestry Policy 2014 was introduced by the Government of India to promote sustainable agroforestry practices across the country. Key Objectives: Encourage widespread adoption of agroforestry to enhance income generation and livelihood security for farmers. Facilitate ecological sustainability by promoting the integration of trees with agriculture. Strengthen the …

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