After a large-scale rejig at the Council of Ministers, Prime Minister effected some changes in Cabinet committees.
Important points:
Eight Cabinet Committees:
- Appointments Committee of the Cabinet.
- Cabinet Committee on Accommodation.
- Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs.
- Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs.
- Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs.
- Cabinet Committee on Security.
- Cabinet Committee on Investment and Growth.
- Cabinet Committee on Employment & Skill Development.
All committees except Cabinet Committee on Accommodation and Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs are headed by the Prime Minister.
- They are extra-constitutional in emergence.
- In other words, they are not mentioned in the Constitution. However, the Rules of Business provide for their establishment.
- The executive in India works under the Government of India Transaction of Business Rules, 1961.
- These Rules emerge from Article 77(3) of the Constitution, which states: “The President shall make rules for the more convenient transaction of the business of the Government of India, and for the allocation among Ministers of the said business.”
- The Prime Minister constitutes Standing Committees of the Cabinet and sets out the specific functions assigned to them. He can add or reduce the number of committees.
- In addition to cabinet committees, several Groups of Ministers (GoMs) are constituted to look into different issues/subjects.
Role of Cabinet Committees:
- They are an organizational device to lessen the enormous workload of the Cabinet. They facilitate an in-depth examination of policy issues and effective coordination. They are based on the principles of division of labor and effective delegation.
- They not only resolve issues and frame proposals for the Cabinet’s consideration, but they also take decisions. The Cabinet can, of course, review their decisions.
Groups of Ministers:
- These are ad hoc bodies formed to give recommendations to the cabinet on certain emergent issues and critical problem areas.
- Some of these GoMs are empowered to take decisions on behalf of the Cabinet whereas the others make recommendations to the Cabinet.
- The institution of GoMs has become a viable and effective instrument of coordination among the ministries.
- Ministers heading the concerned ministries are inducted into the relevant GoMs and when the advice is crystallised they are disbanded.