Labour Bureau organises training of trainers for five All-India Surveys.
Important points:
- Labour Bureau, Chandigarh organised the Training of Trainers for the five All India Surveys relating to Domestic Workers, Migrant Workers, Employment Generated by the Professionals, the Employment Generated in Transport Sector and the All India Quarterly Establishment based Employment Survey.
- The back-to-back training sessions were a part of the three-day comprehensive training sessions to be imparted to the officers/officials of the Labour Bureau, the officers from the seven regional offices of the Labour Bureau and the officials from various state governments.
- These trainings are a precursor to the trainings that will eventually be imparted to the field officers who will ultimately undertake the surveys across the country.
- The Labour Bureau is all set to launch its five major surveys, including on migrant and domestic workers, across the country by April 1.
The surveys that would be conducted are:
- All-India Survey on Domestic Workers (DW): to estimate the proportion of DW in the workforce by major states and across India and percentage distribution of these DWs/households that employ them by important socio-demographic key characteristics.
- All-India Survey on Migrant Workers: to find the estimated number of migrant workers in India and also collect information on their living conditions, working conditions and other socio-economic conditions.
- All-India Survey on Employment Generated by Professionals: firstly, to estimate the total number of active professionals in the country and secondly, to capture the employment generated by these professionals.
- All-India Survey on Employment Generated in Transport Sector: to assess the number of jobs generated in the transport sector in the country.
- All-India Quarterly Establishment based Employment Survey: to measure relative change in employment situation over successive quarters in a sizeable segment of the non-farm economy covering eight important sectors of the Indian economy.
- The results of these surveys will be declared within seven to eight months, including six months field work.
Labour Bureau:
- It is an attached office of the Ministry of Labour & Employment and has been at the forefront in fulfilling the data needs of various stakeholders in the field of labour and employment since 1920.
- The two main wings of the bureau are in Shimla and Chandigarh.
- It has four regional offices in Ahmedabad, Chennai, Kanpur and Kolkata and a subregional office in Mumbai.
- The organisation is headed by a Director General, a Higher Administrative Grade Officer from the Indian Economic Service (IES).
- He is assisted by a team of dedicated professionals from the Indian Economic Service and the Indian Statistical Service.