Monthly Archives: July 2024

Indian Army Dress Code

Context The Indian Army has recently reinforced its dress code regulations to ensure adherence to official rules regarding the wearing of trinkets and religious symbols while in uniform. This action follows observations of personnel wearing unauthorized accessories in social media posts. General Dress Code Principles Unauthorized Accessories: No unauthorized ornaments …

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Karsandas Mulji

Context Karsandas Mulji has gained attention due to the release of the biopic “Maharaj.” Early Life and Education Birth: Born in Bombay in 1832 into a Gujarati Vaishnav family. Education: Attended Elphinstone College, where he was part of the Gujarati Gnanprasarak Mandali (Gujarati Society for the Spread of Knowledge). Peers: …

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Expunction in Parliamentary Proceedings

Context The first special session of the 18th Lok Sabha concluded amid disputes regarding the removal of remarks made by Opposition leaders in both Houses of Parliament. Expunction refers to the parliamentary procedure where specific remarks are removed from the official records. Rules Governing Expunction Article 105: Grants MPs the …

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Archaeologists have discovered a 41,000-year-old ostrich nest in Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh, which is considered the world’s oldest known ostrich nest. Megafauna: Definition: Megafauna refers to animals weighing over 50 kg. The term was first coined by Alfred Russel Wallace in 1876. Classification: Megafauna are categorized as megaherbivores, megacarnivores, or megaomnivores …

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Global Biodiversity Framework

A report by the IUCN indicates that Eastern and Southern Africa is halfway to meeting the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) Target 3, also known as the 30 x 30 target. 30 x 30 Target: The 30 x 30 target is a global initiative aiming for countries to protect at least …

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Alaskan Glaciers on the Brink

A recent study published in Nature Communications has revealed that the Juneau Icefield, which extends across Alaska and British Columbia, is undergoing rapid glacial retreat. Glacial Retreat: Glacial retreat refers to the shrinking or receding of a glacier over time. This occurs when ice melts or sublimates faster than new …

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Industrial Accidents

An explosion at a chemical reactor in Dombivli, Maharashtra, caused multiple fatalities and injuries. Frequent Industrial Accidents in Maharashtra: Reports indicate that industrial accidents have been alarmingly frequent in the years 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2023. Causes: Lack of Implementation of Relocation Plans: The Maharashtra government has failed to relocate …

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A study highlights that high-income and upper-middle-income nations bear the greatest economic burden from herpes infections as of 2016. About Herpes Simplex Herpes is a group of viral infections caused by herpes simplex viruses (HSV). The virus resides in nerve cells and cycles between periods of dormancy and activity. Transmission …

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