Pulling back from the brink by Sujatha Byravan Extract

Extraordinary changes are required to prevent a ‘hothouse earth’ pathway
Just when we thought the news on climate change could not get worse, a group of scientists have published a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences deliberating on how the planet might move into a high temperature “hothouse earth” pathway from where there would be no return.
Given history and the state of the biosphere, some scientists are not hopeful about avoiding the hothouse path. Others like James Hansen believe that it could still be avoided and the earth could stabilise at a rise below 2º C through infrastructural, societal and institutional transformations. Incremental changes along with increasing contributions from renewables and improvements in energy efficiencies would not be sufficient. There should instead be major changes in technological innovation, behaviour, values and governance. This is an unprecedented challenge for humanity.
Sujatha Byravan is a scientist who studies science, technology and policy
Source : https://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-opinion/pulling-back-from-the-brink/article24755976.ece

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