Context: Keel laid for the third stealth frigate of Project 17A Project 17-A Nilgiri-Class Frigate
- Seven frigates under P17A series will be constructed of which four are being constructed in MDL and three in GRSE with MDL as the lead yard.
- The P17A class frigates are being built using indigenously developed steel and fitted with weapons and sensors along with Integrated Platform
Management System. - These ships are having stealth features.
Construction of P17A ships differ in the very concept of warship building by way of adoption of the modern technology ‘Integrated Construction (IC)’ where the blocks are pre-outfitted before joining to reduce the build period of warships.
The weapon suite includes the standard contemporary weapons so as to achieve seamlessly inter-operability with other Fleet Task Force ships.
- The main weapon and sensor suite of P-17A ships indicated are BrahMos SSM, LRSAM (Forward & Aft configuration) with MF STAR radar, indigenous Sonar, and Triple tube Heavy Torpedo launcher.
The Radar MFSTAR (for Multi-Function Surveillance Track and missile guidance Radar) Frigate version shall bring in long-distance target detection and tracking ability for both, Air and Surface targets. The MFSTAR is also capable to undertake Target Designation of hostile targets for timely weapon engagement and achieve optimal utilization of Fleet resources. This unique MFSTAR featuremakes an anti-missile countermeasure (as part of self-defense tactics) highly effective, especially against the sea-skimming missile threat to the Ship,”
CIWS (Close-in Weapon System) is highly reliable Gun mount AK- 630s. Additionally, the Electronic Warfare systems on such advanced ships are very much integrated with the ship’s Combat functions and, thereby, makes P-17A ships not only difficult to detect due to hull structure form, but also capable to launch a pre-emptive counter measures against any kind of threat, be it Air, Surface or Sub-surface, even before the hostile target launches its attack. When commissioned the platforms will enhance the combat capability of the Indian Naval fleet.