With a view to remedy social evils in Calcutta, the police are prosecuting a large number of people for trafficking in minor girls. Several people, men and women, had been convicted on charges of kidnapping, wrongful confinement and other charges. At the last sessions of the High Court Mr. Justice Fletcher sentenced two women, Peery and Lukhy, to ten years’ rigorous imprisonment each who were found guilty by eight out of nine jurors of kidnapping. The accused after obtaining a certificate from the Advocate-General on the ground that Mr. Justice Fletcher had not placed the case of defence before the jury moved the Chief Justice for a review of the case and in view of the long vacation commencing next week asked for a suspension of sentence. His Lordship fixed the 18th November next for the hearing of the review by a full bench but considering the nature of the case and the fact that the accused were found guilty by eight jurors, His Lordship refused to suspend the sentence.
Source : https://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-opinion/social-evils-in-calcutta/article24787905.ece