The German Retreat & Allied Advance.

Reuter’s Correspondent at British Headquarters telegraphing last evening [October 22 at 10-35 p.m.] said: The enemy resistance is stiffening. In Flanders we have reached the west bank of Escaut between Pecq and Lenfer, both of which are in our possession. The Enemy is maintaining heavy fire from the opposite bank. Strong enemy rearguards are disputing our progress on the line of Roubaix-Avelghem railway. We again attacked this morning eastward of Courtrai and are making satisfactory progress. On October 21, Reuter [was] informed that the British have reached the Scheldt between Stikamand and Tournai. The Allies are within five miles of Ghent. LeCateu sector was quiet to-day [October 21]. Although the enemy retreat has halted, there is no reason to believe that the pause is more than temporary.

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About sree nivas

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