Non-Inclusion of Heatwaves in Notified Disasters

The ongoing severe heatwave across the country has reignited discussions about officially recognizing heatwaves as disasters under the Disaster Management Act, 2005.

How India Manages Disasters

Constitutional Context

  • There is no mention of disasters in the Constitution of India.

Legislative Framework

  • Disaster Management Act (DMA) 2005: Enacted following the 1999 Odisha super-cyclone and the 2004 tsunami.
  • National Disaster Management Act (NDMA): Governs the roles of the Centre and States in responding to natural disasters.
  • Ministry of Home Affairs: Nodal body for executing the DMA.

Definition and Classification

  • Disaster: Defined by the NDMA as a “catastrophe, mishap, calamity, or grave occurrence” from natural or man-made causes, resulting in significant loss of life, property, or environmental damage, beyond the coping capacity of the community.
  • Notified Disaster: Disasters listed in the Guidelines on the Constitution and Administration of the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) and National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF).
  • Categories of Notified Disasters: Include cyclones, droughts, earthquakes, fires, floods, tsunamis, hailstorms, landslides, avalanches, cloudbursts, pest attacks, and frost and cold waves.

Benefits of Notifying a Disaster

  • State-backed Compensation: Defines calamities eligible for financial assistance.
  • Financial Assistance:
    • National Level: Funds drawn from the NDRF, funded by the central government.
    • State Level: Funds drawn from the SDRF, with states contributing 25% (10% for special category states), and the rest coming from the Centre.

Heatwaves and Disaster Classification

Current Status

  • Definition of Heatwave: Temperatures exceeding 40°C in plains and 30°C in hilly regions, 4.5-6.4°C above normal for two consecutive days at two stations.

Why Heatwaves Were Not Included

  • Common Summer Events: Not classified as disasters in the 2005 Act due to their typical occurrence in northern, eastern, and central India.
  • Varying Definitions: Heatwaves defined as temperatures above 45°C or 4.5°C above normal for a location.
  • Finance Commission’s Reluctance: The 15th Finance Commission did not find merit in states’ requests to include heatwaves in the notified disaster list.
  • Financial Burden: Government compensation of Rs 4 lakh per life lost due to notified disasters.

Current Provisions

  • State Flexibility: The 15th Finance Commission allows states to use up to 10% of the annual SDRF allocation for immediate relief for locally significant disasters, including heatwaves.

What Lies Ahead?


  • National Classification: Recognize heatwaves as disasters to ensure a coordinated national response.
  • Early Warning Systems: Enhance systems to provide timely alerts.
  • Public Awareness Campaigns: Increase awareness about risks and preventive measures.
  • Urban Planning: Implement strategies to reduce heat island effects.
  • Heat Action Plans (HAPs): Develop and enforce local HAPs focusing on high-risk areas.
  • Healthcare Preparedness: Strengthen infrastructure to handle heatwave-related illnesses.
  • Water Management: Improve systems to ensure adequate supply during heatwaves.
  • Climate-Resilient Infrastructure: Invest in infrastructure to mitigate heatwave impacts.

Heat Action Plans (HAPs)

  • Components: Include a region’s heat profile, past heatwave events, summer maximum temperature trends, land surface temperature, and a vulnerability assessment.
  • Implementation: With rising heatwave frequency, States, districts, and cities are preparing HAPs. The NDMA and the India Meteorological Department are collaborating with 23 States to develop HAPs.

About sree nivas

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