Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his last speech to the Lok Sabha, ahead of the general elections, made a strong pitch for a majority government at the Centre, stating that a full majority government in the last five years had enhanced the status of the country globally. Faced with an opposition grouping, the Prime Minister Modi’s statement is part of the BJP’s move to project a “decisive leadership” against an agglomeration of ideologically diverse opposition parties. “India today is moving ahead with self-confidence, something that is vital in nation building. It is after three decades that India has given a full mandate and that has raised the status of the country in the world arena. For this we have the people of the country to thank,” Mr. Modi said. He said India had suffered globally for long due to fractured mandates. But it was now being taken seriously in the global arena because of the majority government, he added. Mr Modi also looked back on his tenure in Parliament, which he entered for the first time as MP and Prime Minister. “As a new Member of Parliament I learnt many new things including the difference between a genuine and a forced hug,” he said in an apparent reference to Congress president Rahul Gandhi’s impromptu hug given to Prime Minister Modi during the no-confidence motion moved against his government last year.
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