Reforms for Burma.

to the exclusion of the province from reform proposals and suggests that as the Viceroy and the Secretary of State have recently said Burma is not India, the Local Government might proceed to ascertain the views of the people on the application of reforms to Burma, Simla having asked for an answer on this issue. The paper suggests a conference of all classes of Burma people, especially co-operative society chairman, pagoda trustees, Young Men’s Buddhist Association to discuss the question either in private or with the chairmanship of some Burmese speaking officials like Sir. Bertram Carely. The Government might also consider the desirability of giving a lead to the province on the question of separate treatment. Burma is open to conviction. It is waiting for a lead and the Government is surely qualified to give the lead. If this golden opportunity of swinging vast mass of people into line behind the Government is allowed to drop there is the danger of Burma being influenced by Indian extremist opinion. The conference would at least elicit what is at present unknown: the real desires of the people on the subject of political development.


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