Cabinet approves City Investments to Innovate, Integrate and Sustain 2.0 (CITIIS 2.0) from 2023 to 2027

What is CITIIS 2.0?

CITIIS 2.0 is a program conceived by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) in partnership with:

  1. the French Development Agency (AFD),
  2. Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW),
  3. the European Union (EU), and
  4. National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA).


The program will run for a period of four years, i.e., from 2023 till 2027. 


The program envisages to support competitively selected projects promoting circular economy with focus on:

  • integrated waste management at the city level,
  • climate-oriented reform actions at the State level, and
  • institutional strengthening and knowledge dissemination at the National level.
  • CITIIS 2.0 aims to leverage and scale up the learnings and successes of CITIIS 1.0.


  • The funding for CITIIS 2.0 would include:
  • a loan of Rs.1760 crore (EUR 200 million) from AFD and
  • KfW (EUR 100 million each) and
  • a technical assistance grant of Rs.106 cr. (EUR 12 million) from the EU.


CITIIS 1.0 was launched jointly in 2018 by MoHUA, AFD, EU, and NIUA, with a total outlay of ₹933 crore (EUR 106 million).

CITIIS 1.0 consisted of three components:

Component 1: 12 city-level projects selected through a competitive process.

Component 2:   Capacity-development activities in the State of Odisha.

Component 3:   Promoting integrated urban management at the national level through activities undertaken by NIUA, which was the Program Management Unit (PMU) for CITIIS 1.0 


  • It has resulted in the mainstreaming of innovative, integrated and sustainable urban development practices through a unique challenge-driven financing model based on the principles of competitive and cooperative federalism.
  • CITIIS 2.0 will supplement the climate actions of Government of India through:
  • its ongoing National programs (National Mission on Sustainable Habitat, AMRUT 2.0, Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0 and Smart Cities Mission),
  • contributing positively to India’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) and Conference of the Parties (COP26) commitments.


About sree nivas

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