Recently, India Innovation Index Report 2020 was released by NITI Aayogin whichKarnataka retained its top position in the major States category
- NITI (National In stitution for Transforming India) Ayogwith theInstitute for Competitiveness.
- The index has b een developed on the lines of the Global Innovation Index(GII), to ameliorate the innovation ecosystem of Indian states and UnionTerritories (UTs) and to design policies to drive innovation across regions.
- The index goes beyond traditional approaches by considering the bestparameters in measuring innovation such as patents per million ofpopulation, publication in scientific journals, percentage of GDPspending on research.
- It also adds parameters that are specific to the Indian economy (eg. Demographicdividend), to give it a more holistic coverage.
The indicators that the survey uses includes the level and quality of education onparameters such as:
- Number of P hD students and knowledge-intensive employment
- Enrolment in engineering and technology and number of highlyskilled professionals.
- Investment in R&D and number of patents and trademark applicationsfiled.Internet subscribers.
- FDI inflows, business environment and safety and legal environment.
Categories: The Innovation Index is divided into three categories—major states,Union Territories, and hill and North East states.
Major States:
Top States:
- Karnataka topped with a score of 42.5 for the second yearrunning.
- The state’s success has been attributed to a high number of venturecapital deals, registered GIs and ICT exports, and high FDI inflow.
- Four southern states – Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Telangana andKerala —occupy the top positions on the index,apart fromMaharashtra which ranked second.
Bottom States:
- Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Bihar scored the lowest onthe index, which put them at the bottom in the “major States” category.
- Bihar raked last with 14.5 points.
Hill and North-East States:
- Himachal Pradesh topped the rankings of hill and North-East states,followed by Uttarakhand, Manipur and Sikkim.
Union territories/Small States:
- Delhi has scored the highest on the index in the country with a score of46.6, while Lakshadweep has the lowest score at 11.7.
- Delhi recorded the highest number of trademark and patentapplications, along with the establishment of new start-ups andcompanies in the last financial year.
Investing More in Research:
- India needs to increase its spending on R&Dwhich is around 6-0.7% of its GDP,way below the expenditure level ofcountries like Israel (4.3%), South Korea (4.2%), the US (2.8%) and China (2.1%).
- Increased spending on research and development with greater collaborationbetween the industry and educational institutions may help to enhanceinnovation capability.
- It could broaden and improve the capability of top rung educationalinstitutions in the country to produce greater innovation outputs.