• At a time when clean and conscious living is the mantra, the fashion industry is going green with PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottles now being recycled into comfortable, everyday wear.
  • This way, the industry says, it is not just reducing the amount of plastics in the environment, but the process utilises less water, and also reduces carbon emissions.
  • While sustainable fashion as a concept has been around for a long time now, the increased focus on climate change and Environment-Social-Governance (ESG) goals of companies has seen consumers, designers and brands adopt such practices in recent years.
  • We saw PM Narendra Modi turn heads on Wednesday for his blue ‘sadri’ jacket made out of recycled plastic bottles.
  • Ecoline Clothing, a sustainable clothing brand out of Karur, Tamil Nadu, was the company that made the fabric that went into the jacket by recycling up to 28 PET bottles.
  • The end-to end manufacturing company recycles and upcycles PET bottles to create value-added products like garments.
  • The production process is in line with Global Recycle Standard (GRS), an international standard with requirements for third-party certification of recycled content.
  • The company collects PET bottles in the form of bales, which are sorted to remove PET alone.
  • This is then crushed to make flakes which are extruded into fibre. The fibre is spun into yarn, which is then converted to fabric.
  • The dyeing technology also does not use water thus conserving the scarce resource.
  • Ecoline consumes around 6 PET Bottles to make a T-shirt that costs roughly 600.
  • UniRec, another sustainable garments company that tailors shirts, suits, trousers, and polo’s from fabrics procured from recycled PET bottles, is noticing trade inquiries picking up with the endorsement of the PM.
  • “The carbon emissions are almost 40% lower in making garments from recycled polyester. There continues to be high demand for polyester garments; we can do our bit by not using new plastic but recycling existing resources.”
  • Comfortable everyday footwear such as sneakers and flip-on using natural and sustainable materials such as recycled PET bottles, Merino Wool and 100% Natural cotton are also increasingly used.


About ChinmayaIAS Academy - Current Affairs

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