Welfare Schemes for Vulnerable Sections of the Population by the Centre and States



  • The State government of Tripura aims to promote risa nationallyas Tripura’ssignature garment.
  • For this, various initiatives have been taken like providing risa uniforms toanganwadiand ASHA workersand facilitating training for making risaatTripura Handloom and Handicrafts Development Corporation.
  • The risa is being branded under the India Handloom Brand. This supports the‘Vocal for Local’ initiativeof the central government.

About Risa:

Risa is a handwoven clothused as a female upper garment.

Risa is a part of traditional Tripuri attirethat comprises three parts – risa,rignai and rikutu.

  1. Rignai: It is primarily worn as the lower garmentand literally translatesinto ‘to wear’. It can be understood as an indigenous variety of the sari ofmainland India.
  2. Rituku: It is mainly used as a wrap, or like a ‘chunri’ or a ‘pallu’of theIndian saree.Sometimes, Risa is also used as headgear, a stole, or a present to expressrespect.

 Cultural Importance:

  • Adolescent Tripuri girls are first given a risa to wear in an event called RisaSormani, at age 12 to 14.
  • Risa is also used as a turban by men during weddings and festivals.Risa is common in almost all 19 indigenous tribal communities ofTripura. However, each community has its own designs.
  • It is used in religious festivals such as Garia Puja by tribal communities.

Garia Puja Festival:

  • It is a major festival in Tripura, held on the last day of themonth of Chaitra.
  • Celebrated as a harvest festival by the ethnic tribes – Tripuris andReangs.
  • In this festival, the Garia dance is also performed.



About sree nivas

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