According to the recent data, as many as 23,948 Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) had registered with intent to adopt the principle of the Zero Defect Zero Effect Scheme (ZED).

Important points:

  • Launched in 2016 by the Ministry of MSME, the scheme is an integrated and comprehensive certification system.
  • The scheme accounts for productivity, quality, pollution mitigation, energy efficiency, financial status, human resource and technological depth including design and IPR in both products and processes.
  • Its mission is to develop and implement the ‘ZED’ culture in India based on the principles of Zero Defect & Zero Effect.

Zero Defect:

  1. The Zero defect concept is focusing on the customer.
  2. Zero non-conformance or non-compliance
  3. Zero waste

Objective of the Scheme:

  1. To develop an Ecosystem for Zero Defect Manufacturing in MSMEs.
  2. To promote adaptation of quality tools/systems and energy efficient manufacturing. Enable MSMEs for manufacturing of quality products.
  3. To encourage MSMEs to constantly upgrade their quality standards in products and processes.
  4. To develop professionals in the area of ZED manufacturing and certification.
  5. To support the ‘Make in India’ campaign

Implementation Agency of the Scheme:

  • Quality Council of India (QCI) has been appointed as the National Monitoring & Implementing Unit (NMIU) for implementation of ZED.
  • The Quality Council of India (QCI) is a non-profit organization registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860.


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